"Una idea es como un virus, es resistente, altamente contagiosa. La idea más pequeña puede crecer, puede definirte o destruirte…."
Una idea puede transformar el mundo y reescribir las reglas.
Cuál es el parásito más resistente? Una idea. Una sola idea de la mente humana puede construir ciudades. Una idea puede transformar el mundo y reescribir las reglas. Por eso tengo que robarla”.
El Origen
El virus
Las ideas son el virus más peligroso que existe. Una vez que una idea se ha interiorizado y absorbido, se apodera de tu mente. Transforma tu propia realidad y la forma en que percibes el mundo. Las ideas han matado a más hombres que cualquier droga o enfermedad. La idea de Colón de que la tierra era redonda cambió el mundo, llevándose a su paso a millones de personas, europeos e indios, a causa de la guerra y las enfermedades que llevó al Nuevo Mundo.
“Una sola idea de la mente humana puede construir ciudades. Una idea puede transformar el mundo y reescribir todas las normas “El Origen
El contagio
Una vez que una idea ha prendido mecha en una persona puede transmitirse a otras. En eso se basa la política, en la idea de que un político puede conseguir un mundo mejor. Un discurso es un lugar propio para propagar esas ideas (por eso se llama propaganda). Las ideas nacen pero, cuando se transmiten y se hacen suficientemente fuertes, no se puede acabar con ellas.
“¿Cuál es el parásito más resistente? ¿Una bacteria? ¿Un virus? ¿Una lombriz intestinal? No. Una idea. Resistente, altamente contagiosa. Una vez que una idea toma fuerza en el cerebro, es casi imposible de erradicar. Una idea que se forma totalmente, totalmente comprendida, se queda.”El Origen
La enfermedad
El terrorismo parte de una idea, la idea de que una persona puede conseguir lo que quiera a través de la violencia. El fin justifica los medios. El universo queda dividido en dos: el que ayuda es tu amigo, el resto son enemigos. No es una idea nueva, pero las idea más simples son las que más probabilidades tienen de meterse en tu cabeza.
“Nos dicen que recordemos las ideas, no al hombre, porque con un hombre se puede acabar. Pueden detenerle, pueden matarle, pueden olvidarle, pero 400 años más tarde las ideas aún pueden seguir cambiando el mundo.
He visto con mis propios ojos el poder de las ideas. He visto a gente matar por ellas y morir por defenderlas… “V de Vendetta
La idea de dejar el trabajo o a tu pareja es una enfermedad lenta pero inexorable. Da igual que sólo esté en tu mente, que tu trabajo mejore, que la otra persona cumpla tus expectativas. La idea ya está dentro y es demasiado tarde. Cuando se rompe una pareja en un grupo de amigos, la idea ya ha sido sembrada y es fácil que se extienda.
Una idea puede poner en riesgo tu salud: un músico que toca hasta dejar su sangre en el instrumento; un científico que juega con su salud por concluir experimentos; un corredor de fondo que quiere superar los límites humanos; el artista que no duerme dominado por su siguiente creación.
Morir, matar, sufrir.
Pero también éxito, esperanza, avances impensables. Un mundo nuevo lleno de posibilidades.
The Origins of Mankind are shrouded in myth and allegory and like all good adventure stories begin with the ultimate of disasters - after which, we the reluctant viewers are asked to believe that things progress towards a happy ending where we all get to live happily ever after. Unfortunately - nothing has been further from the truth - so far. The plot begins to untangle when we start off with some basic truths. After trawling global Ethnology, Mythology and beliefs about the catastrophe of Atlantis and the flood and the protagonists - it is possible to reduce all these beliefs down to a very basic theme. The Emperor of an interstellar Reptile people from the constellation of Serpens - an evolved people who have the capacity to change shape and who are evolved enough to work within a hierarchy of interdimesional entities who are thought of in various scriptural references as Stars or Angels or Pearls of Great Price, endowed their children to marry into another Interstellar hermaphroditic species called Aryans on this planet. [neither species indigenous.]
The folklore suggests that the root cause of the war of Atlantis that provoked the terrible deluge was over the fact that the Aryans felt threatened by the possibility that the human race would outreproduce them and eventually destroy them For although the resultant progeny enabled the Aryan species to differentiate into gender and be creative and diverse - many Aryans detested this progeny and believed that there was shame in possible 'incestuous activity'. [the shame of the nakedness of the biblical Adam and Eve] The incest of the Gods and heroes are a universal theme from the Celtic, Egyptian and generally global myth.
However, it is evident from the folklore that the original hermaphroditic Aryans believed that they would be overwhelmed by the human progeny and that this was the root cause of war and conflagration on this planet. No high minded cultural mores - just simply a brutal numbers game and power struggle.
This alliance of peoples therefore was torn apart by evil deeds, conflict, wars and imbalance - in some South American and Australian myth, menstrual blood causes anger and agitation amongst the serpent race - and indeed may have prompted uncontrollable physiological reactions amongst the hybrid shapeshifting population.
The subsequent state of depravity of the world grew severe and ungodly, as the once proud houses of angels fell from grace. The Light versus the Dark, two factions fought using weapons of incredible power which melted mountains. [eg: the spear of Lugh] As a legend of Venezuala relates 'the star people were corrupted' – and women were defiled. The Emperor seeing that his race had also fallen along with the Aryans grew very angry that such darkeness had befallen civilization and his hopes for evolution - and, eventually after a long and bruising war, dropped two massive meteorites upon the land and territory on Earth that was the Central Evil Kingdom - Scotland.
It is said that the war between the upstarts and the Gods lasted long – and myth is recorded in Greece, Rome, and the Norse sagas of the battle between the Giants, Serpents and the Gods. Eventually Azazel and the band of evil Necromancers and Technologists were defeated and judgment passed whereby they were imprisoned under the mountains of Scotland and the northern European kingdoms. Mexican, African and South American legends say that the Angel Michael, who had won the battle with the forces for Light, created the Monkeys out of the DNA to house the souls of some of the prisoners as punishment for their defilement - One faction - mentioned globally was saved by the God/s, for being wholesome and friendly towards the Elder Reptile race and was preserved in an ark, boat or other container which was well stocked and provisioned.
The post flood surviving son and daughter - blueblood hybrids between them created all 7 or 9 races of humanity with which to repopulate the Earth. Humanity then is a limited 4th generation species divided into about 9 sub species and indeed latest academic research shows 7 or 9 ancestor women and men of Adam and Eve.
The locality of the Garden of Eden and the place of original sin, temptation and serpentine evil have been collated by one of the most incredible scholastic analysis I have ever seen, in 3 books by William Comyns Beaumont. The first 'The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain' London 1946 Where Beaumont traces the origins of northern Atlantis and the Aryan peoples to a land that incorporated the United Kingdom, Scotland, Shetland and Orkney, and Scandinavia - where once there was an idyllic climate and a lot less ocean. His comprehensive reinterpretation of the ancient geographers and archivists eg. Herodotus, Plato, Josephus, and other ancient accounts, put the Center of Aryan activity firmly on the northwest European Atlantic and Celtic fringe. The true cradle of civilization was the North West of Europe - Thule not Mesopotomia.
The Men of Renown - the red haired Aryan giants of that epoch are dug up today all over the Celtic fringe - 8-11 feet tall. But the words for red and the red haired race have found their way into biblical names - all of the following denote the Race that formerly ran the 'Garden of Eden' Adamites [shetland and orkney], Scythians, Phoenecians - from the root phoinos or blood red. The Garden of Eden in Greek literature - the Garden of the Hesperides – and as Dionysius Periestis once said '.. in the Hesperides whence tin comes dwell the sons of noble iberes' - tin comes from south UK at cornwall. The garden was known as the Fortunatae Insularae, the fortunate isles of Bretannides, or Ultima Thule - the farthest land - for which there are many references in the classics. The Phoenecians, the original Aryans, red haired Edomites were documented by prof LA Waddell in 1924 - 'The Phoenecian origin of the Britons, Scots and Anglo Saxons'.
But those Blond or Red Aryan Gods were not living it up - Enoch in his Gospel suggests that this Kingdom of Ruling Aryans, proud, arrogant and cruel were stockpiling weapons of immense sophistication and power for conflagration - the Satans - or Saturnians as referred to in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch were fomenting rebellion and conflagration. Amongst them, the Cabiri necromancers who created abominable things led by the group of fallen angels such as Azazel, Samael etc The War between the false Gods of Eden and the Powers lasted 13 years it is said, and Greek myth shows Athene dragging off shapechanging giants. The Titans were defeated finally when 2 great meteorites struck the Atlantean kingdom of Thule, reversing climate and ocean and the continental plates. That place now known as Scotland, the epicenter Scotlands western isles at Staffa - near to where the evil capital was said to be - is now very cold and wet.
Still commemorated in the local place names - Ben Cruachan, Argyll – Mount of the Bloody Serpent. Or the land of Mhor/giants - Morayshire. What we thought we knew about Egypt according to Beaumont is the result of the more contemporary migration of 1 million 'Scottish/Thule' survivors - taking their surprisingly similar legends of floods, high tek and alien hybrid unions to every corner of the planet - and the memory that somewhere in the land of the pharaoh a nordic word for chief or prince or Aryan or noble - are the real Faroe islands or the isles of Fergus. to the north of Scotland. [not Egypt - a land named after a latter day King]
As Roman Historian Pomponius Mela said ' the pharusii dwelt by the Atlantic where they stretched as far as the hesperides' [hesperides = farthest ultimate west] Vitrified Forts blasted by laser and nuclear activity scatter the globe and are found in Moray in Scotland - the land of the giants - at the Center of the universe - eastern Scotland. The Pictish pre Celtic stones eg. Golspie stone illustrate the twin meteorite strike - whilst the Tartan wanderers, the displaced turn up in stone dolmens all over the world taking their tartan even to China.
Io, or Isis, the Mother of the race as it were is commemorated by the holy isle of Iona very near the epicenter of the strike on the corrupt capital, an unassuming island next to the holy of holies on the Isle of Mull.
Homer states that the saved Noah and his crew rested in Boggie and indeed Tap O Noth is Glen Noe in the Bogie District of Scotland now a massive vitrified fort on a 2000 foot high artificial hill.
Another claim to linguistic ancestry comes from the claim that the Ethiopians were the first men and women that knew sex/gender differentiation - but Beaumont suggests that it was an error by Herodotus that placed them in Africa and denoted them negroid. He suggests that the Ethiopians of legend were Red haired, bronzed and ruddy sailors. Akin to the Canaanite sailors. They were the Anthropoi, the earliest race, the Adamites, Atlanteans.
Britain in myth was always known as the land of the dead or Hades and it is suggested that Hades, the isle of Skye, the Styx and many western place names and practices are still commemorated in place names and folklore. The earliest race/Aryan/ reds/ Ethiopians - were also collated under other names such as Meropes, Meru, Meroe [Merovingians] and merope it is suggested is the root of Europe. Lenormant in his L'Histoire Ancien de L'Orient suggested that the human race originated in Upa Meru - Northern Europe. The source of evil Aryan splendor that corrupted the Garden of Eden with gorgons, titans etc is said to be North Scotland, moray and the Orkney islands or Orcus - the dragon family.
The Culhua - serpent race or giants/ Aryans/ Ethiopians/Phoenecians/ reds/ Edomites may have had it coming. The leader of the Satans was imprisoned underground, though the evil machinations of the dark Cabiri sorcerers that practiced later in Denmark and founded the very early practices of masonry with which Solomon and David would become familiar - may yet to this day plan their revenge on the offspring of that very first interracial marriage.
This ancient fear of menstrual blood and the occult practice of drinking it, and its causal connection with contemporary anecdotal and early mythological shapeshifting - may be one reason that in masonic practice women are thought unclean vessels and not allowed within the hallow of the Lodge - where some of the participants may get a very nasty surprise if their best friend changes into a very large Reptilian Being and tears all his good clothes.
It may be that the Cabiri plan to reunite and repossess their inheritance, to reclaim the territory that was taken from them as punishment long long ago. To that end, they may incite all the damned prejudice that fomented the Atlantean cataclysm so long ago
It may be that Edinburgh , Scotland, City of Theion and tribe of Gad, the highest most noble Jewery may wish to reclaim all that is best and noble in Interstellar Fraternity - and it may be as Nostrodamus predicted x66-68 that Michael will also await to gather for a test of strength one more time as the Els of that most Noble and High line strive to assert the Judgments of the Emperor God over the darkness that comes to thwart it. The prize is nigh and the Angels of Light have returned to counter the machinations of the evil Cabiri. Templars, Merovingians, Bloodlines, Theosophical Aryan 6th Root Races that are once again pure and hermaphroditic - cleansed of the ancient flaws; culls, cleansing, world convulsions, cloning, evil scientific practice and injustice - nothing may have changed since those times - but lets not lose hope that nothing will ever change.
We may have fallen in disgrace - but we shall rise again and touch the stars, ignoring the pretension and vanity that keeps us from our birthright. The human race may turn out to be the only reason this planet could ever have been called a home.
But what of the Atlantean Kingdom of Thule, buried so long ago by the revenge of the Gods for the desecration of their bloodline. We may note that all the columns and splendors of what we thought Greece to be are but recent demonstrations of the art in a place that was not historically called Greece, and that the majesty of the Cheops pyramid was built after the Scottish catastrophe - yet there are only the remnants of nuked vitrified forts in the land of the Giants at Moray in a place traditionally called 'the Center of the Universe' We know from all subsequent renaissance art that the Goddess IO of Iona, aka, Isis or Aphrodite is traditionally represented as coming from the sea, the clam being her symbol. [even L Ron Hubbard’s Wall of Fire Initiation in scientology maintains that man is descended from clams - mind you he also said that DC10 airliners flew between the stars] The aquatic connection of Atlantis and Scotland persists in the area of the detonation - 'the blue men of the minch' [Kirk 1697AD], the folk myth 'I am a man upon the land, I am a silkie upon the sea' and the connection of the God Poseidon, God of the Sea depicted in his chariot pulled by aquatic dragons. The Sidh or She tradition of Scotland remembers that the most gifted seers with advanced powers of spirit resided amongst Scotland’s Western Isles, the area of the Original palace of the Gods. Scotland’s largest city in the west, Glasgow, takes its name from the root of the Gaelic word for blue. And around the Hebridean Isles, eg. The Flannan Isles there are still stories of the peoples that stay underwater in the Minches.
Elsewhere in Templar records and in folk myth, there are records of great technological stockpiles under the Scottish Mountains; robots or 'dollmen', particle weapons, and great 'alchemical laboratories'. It may be that much of the splendor of Atlantis was partially submerged and inhabited by a semi aquatic species from which came the princess of the original dynasty that mated with the original Aryans. The marriage of the Mero and the Vingians, and the subsequent creation of humanity - a sexual gendered species happened in Scotland.
The symbol of the Bloodline and the Goddess descent is indeed the clamshell a device used by Robert the Bruce a King of Scotland. Indeed the historic pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella in Celtic Spain actually more anciently went farther to the port of Finistere also known anciently as the End of the Earth - the pilgrim traveled clamshell in hand to what must have been a muster point at which to take flight to the stars. The pilgrim route is known as the Milky Way. From the Center of the Universe in the land of the Giants or Mero in Moray northeast Scotland to the End of the Earth - folk history records that these people took ship to the stars.
It may then be that after the fall and the destruction - the remainder of the architects of Eden took their skills and deployed them amongst the cultures they then wandered into.
It is a truth that History belongs to the victors - and over the millennia - much of what we take today for history has been distorted and edited to glorify the interests of the strongest and the few - usually covering up crimes of great magnitude.
The truth about the Holy Land of Scotland went to print by an author called Barry Dunsford - who amongst other things pointed out that Pontius Pilate was born in central Scotland at a place called Fortingale, near Killin. It always seemed strange that a family - the Pilate family central to the destruction of one of Gods and Histories central characters was located not very far from Edinburgh, Scotland.
Dunsford’s source was the books by W Comyns Beaumont on the riddle of prehistoric Britain, and Britain - the key to World History.
It is therein suggested that the ancient Merovingians wandered the planet but that the origins of the Jews may well be rooted in the Scottish Atlantean Mystery. After the deluge - the ruling tribe of Aryans returned. These people were known historically as the People of the Cat, the lion rampant their symbol - the popular flag of Caledonia Scotland and also of the King of Norway - also anciently a country part of Atlantean Thule. Edinburgh, having a very sphinx like hill later called Arthur’s Seat, which looks like a lion couchant was also known as the City of the Lion. The patron Saint of Edinburgh is David.
It is pointed out by these authors that the biblical references to Jerusalem refer to a fertile land, full of mines and minerals and crops with a seaport called Joppa. That fits exactly the locality of Edinburgh - not the Jerusalem in Palestine - which has a very distant port called Jaffa and whose only extract in a barren land may be salt or potash.
Given that history favors the victor - then something sure must have gone real wrong to make us all think the things we now think about Jerusalem. But the records show that Rome built a boundary chain around Jerusalem some 80 miles and indeed, there exists the chain of forts called the Catrail that is almost exactly 80 miles. The People of the Cat, or the Gadeni or the Gad were the ruling tribe of Jews, and the entire fertile area of Edinburgh and the Lothians was populated by some 1 million people - a place which was biblically recorded to be a hub of civilization. Today, all the Roman signposts have been defaced and deleted – for something terrible happened in Edinburgh . At a time of serious instability in the Roman Empire, the Jews of the tribe of Gad, the Silurians, revolted and the retribution from Rome was terrible indeed. There was a massacre of some 80-100,000 people by the Legions and the Emperor ordered that not a stone remain standing and that salt be put on the Earth.
Beaumont’s book details the map of Edinburgh /Jerusalem as it was. The citadel being Edinburgh Castle on the impregnable rock of 3 precipitous sides - more ably conforms to biblical descriptions than our current understanding of the citadel in Jerusalem in Palestine. The Dung Gate corresponds with the Cowgate in Edinburgh, the Temple Mount on the way of God, Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, the Temple Mount there stands St Giles Cathedral and a commemorative Heart in the cobbles outside which signify the Heart of the Lothians. Opposite St Giles on the Temple Mount - the law courts. And one of the oldest Masonic Lodges also stands near the Royal Mile, whilst the Mount of Olives was Arthurs Seat, Golgotha was Gogar, and Holyrood Palace was the Palace of Cedars - and Joppa has always been a port of Edinburgh.
The broad estuary upon which Edinburgh stands, City of the Lion, of the Gad, of the sovereign tribe of Jews, is called the Firth of Forth, translates as the way of ways - and this crossing of a broad estuary at Jerusalem is noted in the Bible. With Pontius Pilate staying just North of the Roman Fort chain which fenced the area in like some ancient Ghetto comprised of one of the richest and most powerful hubs of civilization in the ancient world with its lead and silver mines, fertile lands and rich people - the Scottish Jerusalem was a powerful place. It is recorded that King David, on the run from Solomon consulted a seer of Gad. Edinburgh has had many names; Kaer Eden, Dun Gad, Giudi-ail-Guarth – Place of the Jews of Gad, Chaonia - place of Chaos. In 134AD, the Jews proclaimed a new 'messiah', Bar-Cocheba, son of the star, and the chief rabbi anointed him King of the Jews. A coin was minted showing him horsed with a crown, and on the reverse side was a Thistle - the symbol of Scotland - the coin symbolized the first year of redemption.
Beyond the Boundary Forts, near the Pilate family residence that place was known as Epidamnus - beyond the damned. The tribe of Illyna - the Silurians were mercilessly and brutally put down by the Romans in an ancient act of genocide - and the city of Edinburgh today remembers those ancient constructions by its very old underground workings, not the brickwork of the later city fathers. Today, Edinburgh is still known for its seven hills, the ancient lineage of the Aryans and Giants, the Earl of Orcus or Orkney, descendent of Thule and Atlantis, keeper of the Bloodline and his Rosslyn Chapel.
It may have been that the Templars brought vast treasure here to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem in the City of the Gad, and it may also be that the prophesy of the Brahan Seer 'as Rome was, London is and Edinburgh shall be' is part of the future of the destiny of Mankind.
In popular press, Rosslyn Chapel is a repository of all the world’s ancient artifacts; spear of destiny, cup of destiny, grail, Excalibur, scrolls, treasure, but in reality the truth is far stranger than the fictions.
My recent activity in Edinburgh, Scotland has brought me a lot of attention. MI5 Dept of Parapsychology, Special Branch - all seem to be keeping tabs on me as my group continues to put stuff out about shapeshifting reptoids - and the true historic and global significance of Edinburgh, Scotland. Draco, Scotland, Edinburgh, Bloodlines and MI5 all seem to go together. Edinburgh was a holy city at the time of Atlantis - and the remains have been carefully enshrined in masonic secrets and buildings in and around Edinburgh.
An 18th Century architectural folly on an aristocratic estate just outside Edinburgh uses technology and design to calculate the shadows of latitude. The Theory being that Jerusalem in Palestine, nearer the equator produces a different length of shadow from a cubit rod, than a Jerusalem in Scotland - due to the curvature of the Earth - this shadow is called the Tena Brosa and all part of the big secret of masonry and perhaps even the Scottish Rite itself.
It is most likely that the original dispute that sparked the war amongst the shining ones or Els happened in Edinburgh - for that part of Scotland was also once part of Thule of Atlantis. The author Comyns Beaumont describes the real significance in his 1946 book 'Britain key to World History' the rights to which are owned by the CIA and an International Esoteric Temple called the Star Temple What is on the cards is probably that Scotland will again revert to being an ancient priest kingdom and Edinburgh will again revert to being a Holy City. - in this New World Order.
The Prophesies of the Brahan Seer 'as Rome was, London is and Edinburgh shall be' and of Nostradamus of the political frost that exists between the Windsor dynasty and Scotland, the UK-USA agreement and the king of terror [stanzas 66-68] also predict the return of the Els - the angels of god – which, by the way, many many people are seeing in and around Edinburgh , NASA are filming them etc etc. The pearls of great price - the shining angels or star beings of the Magi. These Stars or Angels are interdimensional beings - and witnesses and abductees alike note that they have appeared in Edinburgh and elsewhere in Scotland - sometimes very up and close. The witnesses say that these are the Angels of God - returned to pass Judgment on the Earth and its various human and non-human races.
So also being on top of the shapeshifter thing in the UK - we have found ourselves the target of some mysterious enquiries. One such happened recently.
A very strange lady on the pretext of wanting to find out about the angels and shapeshifters, describing herself as a freelance researcher met me at lunch time today - and she asked me various questions. She appeared to know nothing about anything - but asked many many almost personal questions about aliens, my abduction, the angels, Edinburgh and tried to get all the evidence I had for shapeshifters in the UK. An attempt to see what we had. She parted on the note that how did I get into all of this - I said that many heavy people over the course of the years who have accused me of all sorts of dirty criminal deeds made me curious for it was as if I was supposed to know something that I didn't know and that this made me find out the stuff that has made me today what I am - 'ah its come full circle' she said. But I wasn't convinced that this was a spook agenda and when I got home I felt so tired and weary that I fell on my bed and started having a lucid dream as if I was being scanned. And I'm pretty sure I heard her say that she was going to tell the truth, and was interested in the Humans and the North Star. It’s true that in my eyes at night when I close them, I see the constellation of Orion and that these light move and coalesce into one pearly shining light.
The old temple mount of Calton Hill in Edinburgh had Greek style temple pillars erected there in the 18th century to signify the Disgrace of Edinburgh - as is there an architectural folly on the outside of Edinburgh that shows Edinburgh s position as the Jerusalem of Atlantis.
I am hoping beyond hope that these light, these beings being seen now by many of us around here, are the returning forces of good. I was told by Russell Penman - who calls these beings down from the sky at will in front of witnesses that when the cataclysm came we should walk towards these lights and be saved or translated ie. beamed up ----- so it may be that various parties are starting to catch on to the possibility of something incredible happening again in Edinburgh as it rises from its Age Old disgrace.
The returning King is celebrated by Tolken in his Lord of the Rings and not to be confused with the disinformation newly published in Laurence Gardner’s book on the Ringlords.
The returning King and EL called Aragorn/Elessar of the tribe of elder people called the Dunedain [the ancient name for Edinburgh ] retake the Earth after the last battle, their Kingship returned from the last of the human stewards or Stewarts. This 'alleged fiction' actually fits in with the various prophesies AND the architecture, geography and ancient history of Edinburgh /Dunedain. Non-human politics in Edinburgh have just taken a new step forward.
Thus I had to ask myself that if she was interested in the Humans and the North Star - so who might the North Star be?? All the Stars may well be Angels - the Els - some may have power to materialize - some may just be physical, some shapeshifters, all, powerful. The pearly stars may have guided the Magi to Bethlehem, and recent research points to the burial place of Mary in the Isles of Britain.
I've heard about Stars in the East, the West, the morning star and the evening star, usually always associated with the Satans and the bad guys and the Fallen Angel Lucifer, so the North Star had to be the exiled leader of the Merovingians, the returning 'Christ' or King, Leader of the Peoples of the North.
Lets hope that this is the good guy, maybe its Uriel - guardian of the gates of Hell, for it was said that hell or Hades referred to the underground prisons and damnation of the fallen in Scotland and perhaps the El called Uriel - is a guardian of the interests of Humanity policing the Underground society as it strives to regain dominion.
For their punishment, the Fallen were put underground - the Satans/red peoples were put in 'hell'. The other part of the enigma is the red dragon that will point many researchers to the two meteorites and their fiery tails. However, the secret thirteenth house of astrology, the red serpent points to the constellation of Serpens - a fact secretly commemorated in star maps as making all constellation plus or minus to the ground zero of the Serpens constellation. Ophiucus, its other name was the 'Greek' God of medicine - depicted as a big guy in a toga with a serpent coiled around him.
It is possible that the Reptoid bluebloods from Serpens were red in color, and that this may be a fact commemorated by the Red of the Lion Rampant of the Peoples of Gad, Scotland.
Lets hope that the North Star returns soon, he is probably not the El called Michael who most likely will or has returned with the Interstellar contingent - but the North Star probably refers to the exiled King, the Fallen Angel who has worked to redeem the sins of Atlantis over the millennia.
The local variation on the Global theme of the fall and the desecration of the Blueblood princess has a variation in the Lothians. For King Lot of the Lothians [Tolken’s Lothlorien] was given the title by King Arthur. Lot was a descendant of the Atlantean Dragons and Magicians of Thule and Orkney [Tolken’s Orcs] The princess has been called Enoch, or Thenew or Denw or Thanay, and the prophecy goes as I read it, that it was said that the new hybrid human dynasties would breed and out reproduce and outfight the Aryan lines, and that the princess - mother of the human species was to be destroyed by crashing her flying vehicle into a local mountain.
She escaped but was again caught and cast adrift on a raft to die - but was saved by a contingent of her relatives who rescued her - and probably took her to a ship from whence she headed back to the stars
This same story is told in countless ways in countless cultures the world over - but all remember the Mother of the Human Race pictured with Clams throughout history.
In Edinburgh, though, the Emperor Hadrian instructed that the city be raised to the ground AD70 and its name forever struck from history and that Jerusalem would be somewhere else of his choosing. It was decreed by the Emperor that the locality of Jerusalem would be renamed - and it would then take its name from the farthest north boundary fort at Falkirk, Scotland.
I don't know how that fares with the modern Jerusalem that we know of today, other than the biblical descriptions accurately fit Edinburgh - though I have always suspected that one day the New World Order will again claim Edinburgh to be the Spiritual Center of the World after the destruction of Christianity.
But the Jury of History is still out on that one.
Having been captured by overwhelming force, the reds or Satans, Aryans or Nobles were imprisoned underground initially under the remaining lands of Thule or Scotland. Scotland was anciently known as the land of the dead or Hades. The Exiled Star or Angel of the North was set a task of watching and policing the Gates of Hell. His was the wandering Nobility given that task that he may redeem himself in the days and millennia that were to follow before the return of the Galactic Empire.
The Fallen, however, were to regroup and re-organize, setting themselves the task of revenge and the retaking of their Empire. In the underground halls, they reassembled their social structure and equipment, taking inventories - and set about the surreptitious task of the recovery of their stockpiles and any and all high tech equipment they could find.
Then became the task of rebuilding their manufacturing capacity and arsenal for the day that they would again fight the war with the Gods.
In the meantime, Humanity, the freely spreading virus that they foresaw would one day overwhelm them - Humanity the cause of the War - was to be their next target. They reasoned that Humanity would spread and populate the planets surface in the next few millennia, so they made sure that that species would never come to the knowledge that would make them HiTek and an outright competitor. For if that happened, then humanity would make Interstellar Allies and representation before the Fallen were ready to fight.
So the ideas of bad beliefs and misleading cosmologies were planted and the seeds of disinformation sewn. Everywhere, the physics of free energy and interstellar travel arose – the inventors died, from the 16th century till the 21st century - knowledge and truth would die on the vine. Only the inner school of the Illuminati sorcerers taught the truths of the cosmos, and many Humans there were that paid dearly for those. The ancient systems theory, holistic in its approach was suppressed and even today modern science creates knots and paradoxes by having been taught to reduce down and decontextualize. Everywhere the hated Human Race would be encouraged to war and be ignorant - for the enemy divided, could be conquered. There the alleged forgeries of the protocols of the learned elders of Zion ring true - for the political systems theory in use in the protocols appears to be the ancient systems theory that have led Tesla, Plichta and others to Free Energy. A systems theory also taught by the Secret School of the Theosophical Illuminati - these alleged protocols speak of the body politic as an organism and its means of operation in terms of a functional relativity that is indeed highly advanced and never taught in any human University.
As far as the Protocols were used to encourage anti-semitism it is fair to say that in reality NO HUMAN BEING could EVER be one of Gods Chosen People - for the Master Race that probably wrote these protocols are asexual, Hermaphrodites and Non-Human - these are probably the only original Jews at least as far as they are concerned. The protocols of Zion are the most hateful anti-human and intelligent masterpieces of antiquity, forgery or not, they are betrayed by their advanced use of an alien systems theory - and therefore most likely the work of the Satans, the imprisoned Aryans of Atlantis - the Hidden Masters of Theosophy.
Where that puts the whole Jewish thing - I am unsure - for I suspect, as the prophesies tell, that the Satans will re-emerge soon - and the whole matter of where Jerusalem really was - and why many learned Human Jews believe what they do will come into question - as part of a Satanic Takeover.
The Satans or Aryans or the Fallen have not been idle as they labored to divide and rule humanity for they also sought to forge interstellar links with other civilizations. They were working to a timescale - for they knew that Humanity would be destroyed by Earth Movement - and had to ensure that they held all the keys by the early third millennium AD - the schedule of the return date for the Empire.
The Interstellar Civilizations they sought out would all have chips on their shoulders and be sworn enemies of the Empire - however it was never in the Satans minds that they would escape in ships for the Interstellar Entities who uphold the Empire can reach Intergalactic space in a matter of seconds and quite simply there isn't a ship anywhere that could outrun them.
The stupid brute civilizations they wanted to engage the Empire above the planet Earth were to provide merely a diversion - whilst the Fallen made their escape through a portal or 'stargate'. in the meantime, the Human Race on the surface was partly used to supply the allies of the Fallen as bargaining counters - produce, software, hardware, DNA, artifacts - they sold it all.
The stockpile of the Satans was supplemented and increased, and their intelligence network kept tight control of human military power and research, whilst suppressing every instance of the truth. This in anticipation of the return of the anointed one - the King of the World - Chief Satan - Rex Mundii - as per the 19th Century Tibet pronouncement at Llasa.
The Human Race, however, source of all their ancient hatred and angst were to be set up for a hideous Cull - and indeed conspiracy evidence of; poisonous food and water, corrupted food chain, new diseases, bad learning, HAARP and MK - has emerged. Such poisons would leave their ancient foe helpless.
But the ambitions of the Satans may never be fulfilled for the returning Empire would simply crush them as they had before. Illuminati folklore is full of references to opening of ways and gates – and its probable that the hermaphroditic Aryans - those that are evil – intend to go.
They probably could have gone already, but their use of any gate would have been detected and found them unready to create a diversion or shield.
The shield invasion was more recently bought with Human Labor and Industry.
Like any couple of punks involved in a drug store heist caught by the police - they would naturally want to hold a gun to the shop keepers heads and demand a fast car etc.
They have some options however, and taking hostages is definitely one of them. Recent leaks from US military intelligence suggest that soul capture technology has been recently manufactured, and this coupled with the other forbidden technology that they salvaged would also create a useful personal shield for the escaping thugs.
Where can they go - time travel, dimension travel, intergalactic travel, or a rusty old ship trying to outrun the Angels? Surrender or peace was never on their agenda - and indeed their all-consuming hatred may well be their undoing.
They may wish to completely destroy the planet when they leave, however.
What are the Empire options though - to infiltrate their ranks, take hostages, sabotage their stargate project or their anti-human works, or conduct a species specific technological or biotechnological warfare of their own and maybe ultimately, making them an offer that they can't refuse.
One thing is for sure - both sides will be lining up their targets - organizers, administrators, politicians, leaders, lieutenants - all put into lucrative isolation whilst they maximize their intelligence for the coming conflagration.
There may be Interstellar war above the Planet soon but it won't last long - for the Fallen will be trying to make their escape - perhaps even jostling for a place higher up in the queue at the stargate, for the first wave out may well be the last - for the remainder will be swiftly taken for another head to head with the Emperor.
Los Nefilim o Nephilim (en hebreo הנּפלים, nefilim, "derribadores") son, en la Biblia y otros escritos religiosos judíos y cristianos tempranos, un pueblo de gigantes o titanes que se mencionan en el Génesis 6:4 y en el Libro de los Números 13:33.
Como curiosidad destaca que igualmente en algunos grupos de ufólogos, se postula que estos seres estarían relacionados con supuestos extraterrestres, de los cuales se habrían basado estos mitos; debido a que habría existido una hipotética Intervención extraterrestre en la antigüedad.
Los Nefilim antes del Diluvio
Nefilim en los textos bíblicos
Los Nefilim son hijos de los "hijos de Dios" (בני האלהים, bnei ha'elohim) y las "hijas del hombre" (bnot ha'adam) (Génesis 6:1-4). Según la traducción, el término nefilim se ha traducido variadamente por "gigantes", "titanes" o aún se ha dejado en el original hebreo.
Para los arameos, el término Nephila se refirió específicamente a la constelación de Orion, y así los Nefilim serían descendientes medio divinos de esta constelación.
Según la Biblia, los Nefilim aparecen como la causa del aumento de la maldad de la humanidad.
Aconteció que cuando comenzaron los hombres a multiplicarse sobre la faz de la tierra y les nacieron hijas,
al ver los hijos de Dios que las hijas de los hombres eran hermosas tomaron para sí mujeres, escogiendo entre todas. Entonces dijo Yahvé: «No permanecerá para siempre mi espíritu en el hombre, porque ciertamente él es carne; pero vivirá ciento veinte años».
Había gigantes en la tierra en aquellos días, y también después que se llegaron los hijos de Dios a las hijas de los hombres y les engendraron hijos. Estos fueron los hombres valientes que desde la antigüedad alcanzaron renombre.
Génesis, 6, 1-4
Nefilim en los textos apócrifos
Igualmente los gigantes son nombrados en otros textos considerados apócrifos, tales como:
Libro de Enoc: (de la biblia etíope); presenta una descripción más detallada sobre los gigantes bíblicos.
El diluvio universal, y como consecuencia la destrucción de toda la humanidad fue provocada por estos seres Libro Enoch capitulo 10:1-9, que no habrían sido creados según los planes de Dios Libro Enoch capitulo 10:15-16 7.cp15 , no tienen capacidad espiritual y por tanto no tienen resurrección. Similarmente se trata según otras versiones, de la descendencia de los ángeles caídos y las hijas de Caín, de donde surgió esta raza con el fin de sabotear los planes de Dios, cruzándose y contaminando la descendencia de Adán. (Ne-phil'-im, significaderribadores). La palabra Refaim se interpreta también como fallecido o muerto.
Baruc: "Allí nacieron los famosos gigantes de los primeros tiempos, de gran estatura y expertos en la guerra. Pero no fue a ellos a quienes Dios eligió y les dio el camino de la ciencia; ellos perecieron por su falta de discernimiento, perecieron por su insensatez". (Baruc 3:26, 3:27 ,3:28)
Libro de la Sabiduría:(un libro Deuterocanónico de la Biblia)"Así también, al comienzo, cuando murieron los orgullosos gigantes, la esperanza del mundo se refugió en una balsa (Arca de Noé) que, conducida por tu mano (Yahvé), dejó al mundo la semilla de una nueva humanidad". (Sabiduría 4:6)
Los Nefilim después del Diluvio
Nefilim en los textos bíblicos
El término además del Génesis, vuelve a utilizarse para designar a una raza de gigantes en:
Números: "Cuando Moisés envió a los espías a la tierra de Canaán, regresaron con la noticia de que allí habitaban gigantes" (Num. 13:33).
Números 13:34 También vimos allí gigantes, hijos de Anac, raza de los gigantes: y éramos nosotros, á nuestro parecer, como langostas; y así les parecíamos á ellos. (Reina Valera 1909)
Deuteronomio:" Los emitas habitaron en ella antes, pueblo grande y numeroso, y alto como los hijos de Anac. Por gigantes eran ellos tenidos también, como los hijos de Anac; y losmoabitas los llaman emitas. Porque únicamente Og rey de Basán había quedado del resto de los gigantes. Su cama, una cama de hierro, ¿no está en Rabá de los hijos de Amón? La longitud de ella es de nueve codos, y su anchura de cuatro codos, según el codo de un hombre". (Deuteronomio 2:10, 2:11, 3:11)
Eclesiástico: "¿Acaso, siendo joven (David), no mató a un gigante y extirpó el oprobio del pueblo, cuando lanzó una piedra con la honda y abatió la arrogancia de Goliat?" (Eclesiástico. 47:4)
Pueblos Nefilim
De acuerdo a la tradición rabínica, los Anakim (anaquitas), Refaim (refaitas), Gibborim, Zamzummim, y Emim (emitas), son de la misma raza Nefilim, y todos son nombres que se traducen por "gigantes".
Se habla de ellos como de una antigua tribu canánea, que vivía en las colinas de Judá y en la llanura filistea (Hebrón, Debir, Anab, Gaza, Gath, Ashdod).
Habitantes originales de Canaán, ocupaban el Líbano y el área del Monte Hermon, se separaron al norte de la costa de Siria y Transjordania donde construyeron una cadena de ciudades fortificadas. Vivían en la región que más tarde ocuparon los moabitas y los amonitas, los primeros les llamaron emitas, y los segundos les llamaban zomzomeos.
En la época patriarcal, el rey Quedorlaomer y sus aliados los subyugaron cuando invadieron Transjordania. En la parte occidental de Palestina, se aliaron y entrecruzaron con losCaftorim, que habían venido desde Creta y se establecieron en las áreas costeras, siendo conocidos como filisteos y fenicios. En el relato bíblico en el que "Israel derrota a Og rey de Basán", se señala que luego de la campaña por diferentes territorios,
Porque únicamente Og rey de Basán había quedado del resto de los gigantes. Su cama, una cama de hierro, ¿no está en Rabá de los hijos de Amón? La longitud de ella es de 9 codos, y su anchura de 4 codos, según el codo de un hombre.
Deutoronomio 3,11
El filisteo Goliat, habría sido refaíta y medía seis codos y un palmo de estatura (cerca dos metros y medio a tres metros), su hermano fue un gigante que se llamó Lahmi ("de pan" o bien "de Lahmu").
Algunos sugieren que habrían construido muchos de los monumentos megalíticos que se encuentran en Transjordania, especialmente los "dólmenes" en las cumbres de los montes. Estos eran tumbas formadas por grandes losas de piedra con forma de una habitación: cuatro losas formaban las paredes y una el techo. Como no se ha encontrado ni una sola tumba no profanada, y no se han recuperado utensilios ni trozos de cerámica de ellas, no se sabe quiénes las levantaron ni en qué tiempo fueron erigidas esas estructuras .
El nombre (anak = gigante) se explica en el Midrash con una indicación de que llevaban cadenas al cuello. Anac, era hijo de un Refaíta, probablemente hijo de Arba, y sus hijos fueronSesai, Aiman, y Talmai, cabezas de los clanes arameos. Estos nombres parecen ser arameos, pero su significado no es claro. Los Anakim fueron vencidos por Caleb.
Cuando Yahvé da la tierra de Moab, a los hijos de Lot, se dice que esa tierra había sido habitada por los emitas, pueblo grande, numeroso y corpulento como los anaquitas'
Interpretación según religiones
Visión judía tradicional
El Judio Trifón se opuso a la idea de que los ángeles podían casarse. El rabino Shimon bar Yojai maldijo a todos los Judios que dicen que los "hijos de Dios" eran ángeles. Según la visión judía tradicional, los nefilim antes del diluvio y después del diluvio fueron los hombres. Ésta era la opinión también de Rashi y Najmánides.
Opinión de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Etíope
El Libro de Enoc forma parte del canon de la Iglesia ortodoxa etíope. En el libro, al hacer referencia a los Grigori (los padres de los Nefilim según el Libro de Enoc), los describe como ángeles, y no como descendientes del linaje de Set, aunque hay controversia en este punto. También se ha dicho que, uno de los propósitos de Dios al inundar la Tierra en tiempos deNoé (historia del diluvio universal), fue deshacerse de los Nefilim.
La referencia Bíblica acerca de Noé : "perfecto en sus generaciones" hace referencia al no contenido Nefilim en su linaje (o sea 100% Humano descendiente de Adan) ; de lo cual se infiere que según el texto Genesis, que no habría "hibridacion " Nefilim en Noé y este seria 100% Humano. Los manuscritos de la Septuaginta son problemáticos.
Referente a la Iglesia Ortodoxa Etíope, ella explica que Génesis 6:1 alude a ciertos seres humanos, del linaje de Set (Tercer hijo de Adan y Eva posterior al Caín asesino de Abel y luego de muerto éste, para continuar el linaje Humano hasta Noé), e interpreta el escrito Deuteronomio 14:1 Hijos sois de Yahvé vuestro Dios; no os sajaréis, ni os raparéis a causa de muerto, como un texto que haría referencia a ellos. Según su interpretación, estos hombres habían comenzado a sentir intereses carnales, de modo que tomaron como esposas a las hijas de los hombres, las descendientes de Caín. Esto se señala, sin lugar a dudas en la mayoría de las versiones Ortodoxas de Enoch y los Aniversarios, pero también es el punto de vista presentado por textos no bíblicos más antiguos, especialmente el Segundo Libro de Adán y la Víspera.
Julio Africano y Agustín para apoyarse citan a Mateo e interpretan una frase de Jesús que dice que "los Ángeles no se casan". Las palabras de Jesús son una contradicción exacta del Libro de Enoc que dice que los ángeles de hecho se casó con estas mujeres.
Sin embargo, quienes critican esta última interpretación señalan que el versículo en cuestión está fuera de contexto, porque Jesús menciona que el resucitado no se casa en elcielo, significando que es "como los ángeles". Otros han dado explicaciones figuradas acerca del Nephilim, tal como la idea que ellos fueron los progenitores de hombres poseídos por demonios.
Los Nefilim en la cultura popular
Los Nephilim son mencionados en varios videojuegos de la saga Lara CroftTomb Raider.
La banda de rock japonesa Abingdon Boys School dio a su tercer single el título de Nephilim (2007)
Nephilim es un juego de rol de ocultismo creado por Frederic Weil y Fabrice Lamidey, editado originalmente en Francia por MultiSim y publicado en español por JOC Internacional.
Existe una banda de rock gótico, Fields of the Nephilim, que toma su nombre de estos seres.
Nephilim es una novela del escritor Francisco Fernández García editada por Corona Borealis.
"Nephilin", escrito tal y como suena /nefilim/, aparece como elemento fundamental en las obras "Cazadores de Sombras" de Cassandra Clare.
En el juego de rol Tales of Symphonia el personaje principal Lloyd consigue un arma supuestamente maldita llamada "nephilim"
The Nephilim are beings mentioned twice in the Hebrew Bible; in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33. Traditions about the Nephilim are also found in a number of other Jewish and / or Christian writings.
Nephilim in the Hebrew Bible
(Translations according to New International Version. Note that translations frequently differ. In the King James Version of the Bible, "Nephilim" is translated as "giants" in the following examples.)
The term "Nephilim" occurs just twice in the Hebrew Bible, both in the Torah. The first is Genesis 6:1-4, immediately before the Noah's ark story:
1. When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
2. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
3. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The second is Numbers 13:32-33, where the Hebrew spies report that they have seen fearsome giants in Canaan:
32. And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.
33. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
This subject also relates to the etymology and meaning of the phrase sons of God.
"Nephilim" (נְפִילִים) probably derives from the Hebrew root npl (נָפַל), "to fall" which also includes "to cause to fall" and "to kill, to ruin". The Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon gives the meaning as "giants" Robert Baker Girdlestone argued the word comes from the Hiphil causative stem. Adam Clarke took it as passive, "fallen", "apostates". Ronald Hendel states that it is a passive form "ones who have fallen", equivalent grammatically to paqid "one who is appointed" (i.e. overseer), asir, "one who is bound", (i.e. prisoner) etc.
Arguments based on etymology
A possible connection with fallen-ness may exist in the fallen warriors of Ezekiel 32:27, where a change to the Massoretic Text reading gibborim nophelim (גִּבֹּורִים נֹפְלִים "fallen mighty ones") would produce the reading gibborim nephilim. As the text stands "And they shall not lie with the fallen mighty of the uncircumcised, which are gone down (yaradu יָרְדֽוּ) to the grave with their weapons of war:", but this could become the gibborim nepilim of the uncircumcised. In Genesis 6:4 they are described as "ancient warriors, the men of renown". In Numbers 13:32-33 they are a race of giants native to Canaan. (The idea that there were giants in Canaan when the Israelites arrived is found elsewhere, for example in Amos 2:9, whereYahweh reminds the prophet that he "destroyed the Amorites before you, whose height was as the height of cedar trees"). The two are tied together by Genesis 6:4, "the nephilim were on the earth in those days (before the Flood), and also after," and most later compositions and translations, including the Septuagint, therefore understand the nephilim to be giants.
The nature of the nephilim is complicated by the ambiguity of Genesis 6:4, "the sons of God joined with the daughters of humankind, who bore them children - they were the ancient warriors, the men of renown." Richard Hess in The Anchor Bible Dictionary takes it as read that the nephilim are the offspring, as does P. W. Coxon in Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible.
Arguments from culture and mythology
It is sometimes claimed that in Aramaic culture, the later term niyphelah refers to the Constellation of Orion, and thus nephilim to the offspring of Orion in mythology. However Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon notes this as a "dubious etymology"and "all very precarious", and no evidence is forthcoming that Orion had any offspring, either in Aramaic astronomy or myth.
J. C. Greenfield mentions that "it has been proposed that the tale of the Nephilim, alluded to in Genesis 6 is based on some of the negative aspects of the apkallu tradition". The apkallu (sages) were seven in number, legendary culture-heroes from before the Flood, of human descent, but possessing extraordinary wisdom from the gods, and one of the seven apkallu, Adapa, was therefore called "son of Ea", despite his human origin. The tradition of the Seven Sages became widespread in the 2nd and 1st millennia. However the seven apkallu do not fall, nor have offspring, and are not sons of the fallen.
Genesis 6 - two interpretations
There are effectively two views regarding the identity of the Nephilim, which follow on from alternative views about the identity of the sons of God:
offspring of Seth. The Qumran (Dead sea) scroll fragment 4Q417 (4QInstruction) contains the earliest known reference to the phrase "children of Seth", stating that God has condemned them for their rebellion. (Nonetheless, a few commentators dispute the interpretation of this reference.) Other early references to the offspring of Seth rebelling from God and mingling with the daughters of Cain, are found in rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Augustine of Hippo, Julius Africanus, and the Letters attributed to St. Clement. It is also the view expressed in the modern canonical AmharicEthiopian Orthodox Bible.
offspring of angels. A number of early sources refer to the "sons of heaven" as "Angels". The earliest such references seem to be in the Dead Sea scrolls, the Greek, and Aramaic Enochic literature, and in certain Ge'ez manuscripts of 1 Enoch (mss A-Q) and Jubilees used by western scholars in modern editions of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. However, "Angels" in this context has sometimes been considered to be a sarcastic epithet for the offspring of Seth who rebelled (see above). The earliest statement in a secondary commentary explicitly interpreting this to mean that angelic beings mated with humans, can be traced to the rabbinical Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, and it has since become especially commonplace in modern-day Christian commentaries.
Alternatively, there are those that do not take either view, and hold that they are not historical figures, and are ancient imagery with questionable meaning.
The fallen angels interpretation
The New American Bible commentary draws a parallel to the Epistle of Jude and the statements set forth in Genesis, suggesting that the Epistle refers implicitly to the paternity of Nephilim as heavenly beings who came to earth and had sexual intercourse with women. The footnotes of the Jerusalem Bible suggest that the Biblical author intended the Nephilim to be an "anecdote of a superhuman race". Genesis 6:4 implies that the Nephilim have inhabited the earth in at least two different time periods—in antediluvian times "and afterward." If the Nephilim were supernatural beings themselves, or at least the progeny of supernatural beings, it is possible that the "giants of Canaan" in Book of Numbers 13:33 were the direct descendants of the antediluvian Nephilim, or were fathered by the same supernatural parents.
Some Christian commentators have argued against this view, citing Jesus' statement that angels do not marry. Others believe that Jesus was only referring to angels in heaven.
The story of the Nephilim is chronicled more fully in the Book of Enoch (The Greek, Aramaic, and main Ge'ez manuscripts of 1 Enoch and Jubilees obtained in the 19th century and held in the British Museum and Vatican Library, connect the origin of the Nephilim with the fallen angels, and in particular with the egrḗgoroi (watchers). Samyaza, an angel of high rank, is described as leading a rebel sect of angels in a descent to earth to have sexual intercourse with human females:
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it...
According to these texts, the fallen angels who begat the Nephilim were cast into Tartarus (Greek Enoch 20:2), a place of 'total darkness'. However, Jubilees also states that God granted ten percent of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim to remain after the flood, as demons, to try to lead the human race astray (through idolatry, the occult, etc.) until the final Judgment.
In addition to Enoch, the Book of Jubilees (7:21–25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. These works describe the Nephilim as being evil giants.
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan identifies the Nephilim as Shemihaza and the angels in the name list from 1 Enoch. b Yoma 67, PRE22 and 1 QapGen ar ii 1 also identify the Nephilim as the angels that fell.
In the New Testament Epistle of Jude 14-15 cites from 1 Enoch 1:9, itself based on Deuteronomy 33:2. To most commentators this confirms that the author of Jude regarded the Enochic interpretations of Genesis 6 as correct, however others have questioned this.
The descendants of Seth and Cain interpretation
Despite the apparent prevalence of Enochic interpretations such as 1 Enoch, Jubilees, Philo, in Second Temple Judaism, and at Qumran (e.g. Ogias the Giant), orthodox Judaism has always taken a consistent line against the idea that Genesis 6 refers to angels or that angels could intermarry with men. Shimon bar Yochai pronounced a curse on anyone teaching this idea. Rashi and Nachmanides followed this. Pseudo-Philo, Biblical Antiquities 3:1-3 may also imply that the "sons of God" were human. Consequently, most Jewish commentaries and translations describe the Nephilim as being from the offspring of "sons of nobles", rather than from "sons of God" or "sons of angels". This is also the rendering suggested in theTargum Onqelos, Symmachus and the Samaritan Targum which read "sons of the rulers", where Targum Neophyti reads "sons of the judges".
Likewise, a long-held view among some Christians is that the "sons of God" who fathered the Nephilim spoken of in the text, were in fact the formerly righteous descendants of Seth who rebelled, while the "daughters of men" were the unrighteous descendants of Cain, and the Nephilim the offspring of their union. This view dates to at least the 3rd century AD, with references throughout the Clementine literature, as well as in Sextus Julius Africanus, Ephrem the Syrian and others (see below, "In other texts"). Holders of this view have looked for support in Jesus' statement that "in the days before the flood they (humans) were marrying and giving in marriage".
Some individuals and groups, including St. Augustine, John Chrysostom, and John Calvin, take the view of Genesis 6:2 that the "Angels" who fathered the Nephilim referred to certain human males from the lineage of Seth, who were called sons of God probably in reference to their being formerly in a covenantal relationship with Yahweh (cf. Deuteronomy 14:1; 32:5); according to these sources, these men had begun to pursue bodily interests, and so took wives of the daughters of men, e.g., those who were descended from Cain or from any people who did not worship God.
This also is the view of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, supported by their own Ge'ez manuscripts and Amharic translation of the Haile Selassie Bible - where the canonical books of 1 Enoch and Jubilees differ from western academic editions. The "Sons of Seth view" is also the view presented in a few extra-Biblical, yet ancient works, including Clementine literature, the 3rd century Cave of Treasures, and the ca. 6th Century Ge'ez work The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan. In these sources, these offspring of Seth were said to have disobeyed God, by breeding with the Cainites and producing wicked children "who were all unlike", thus angering God into bringing about the Deluge, as in the Conflict:
Certain wise men of old wrote concerning them, and say in their [sacred] books, that angels came down from heaven, and mingled with the daughters of Cain, who bare unto them these giants. But these [wise men] err in what they say. God forbid such a thing, that angels who are spirits, should be found committing sin with human beings. Never, that cannot be. And if such a thing were of the nature of angels, or Satans, that fell, they would not leave one woman on earth, undefiled... But many men say, that angels came down from heaven, and joined themselves to women, and had children by them. This cannot be true. But they were children of Seth, who were of the children of Adam, that dwelt on the mountain, high up, while they preserved their virginity, their innocence and their glory like angels; and were then called 'angels of God.' But when they transgressed and mingled with the children of Cain, and begat children, ill-informed men said, that angels had come down from heaven, and mingled with the daughters of men, who bare them giants.
¿Predijo una antigua cultura de Centroamérica que todo acabarí a en un violento apocalipsis que tiene como fecha el 21 de diciembre de 2012? Los mayas crearon un elaborado calendario astronómico llamado "La cuenta larga" que se detiene repentinamente en el 2012. Esta fecha, que es también la del equinoccio de invierno, coincide con una alineación galáctica increí blemente excepcional que tiene lugar una vez cada 26.000 años. ¿Qué pensaron los mayas que ocurrirí a cuando su calendario se terminase? ¿Se unieron a ellos otras culturas de diversas partes del mundo y en diferentes siglos para señalar que 2012 serí a la fecha en la que todo acabaría?.
Edipo era un rey mítico de Tebas, hijo de Layo y Yocasta que, sin saberlo, mató a su propio padre y desposó a su madre.
Edipo era el hijo del rey de Tebas y al nacer, el Oráculo de Delfos auguró a su padre, Layo, que el niño, una vez adulto, le daría muerte y desposaría a su mujer. Layo, queriendo evitar tal destino, ordenó a un súbdito que matara a Edipo al nacer. Apiadado de él, en vez de matarlo, el súbdito lo abandonó en el monte Citerón, colgado de un árbol por los pies, los cuales perforó. Un pastor halló el bebé y lo entregó al rey Pólibo de Corinto. Peribea o Mérope, la esposa de Pólibo y reina de Corinto, se encargó de la crianza del bebé, llamándolo Edipo, que significa ‘de pies hinchados’ por haber estado colgado.
Al llegar a la adolescencia, Edipo, por habladurías de sus compañeros de juegos, sospechó que no era hijo de sus pretendidos padres. Para salir de dudas visitó el Oráculo de Delfos, que le auguró que mataría a su padre y luego desposaría a su madre. Edipo, creyendo que sus padres eran quienes lo habían criado, decidió no regresar nunca a Corinto para huir de su destino. Emprende un viaje y, en el camino hacia Tebas, Edipo encuentra a Layo en una encrucijada, discuten por la preferencia de paso y lo mata sin saber que era el rey de Tebas, y su propio padre. Más tarde Edipo encuentra a la esfinge, un monstruo que daba muerte a todo aquel que no pudiera adivinar sus acertijos, atormentando al reino de Tebas. A la pregunta de «¿cuál es el ser vivo que camina a cuatro patas al alba, con dos al mediodía y con tres al atardecer?», Edipo respondió correctamente que es el hombre, La explicación consiste en esto: La mañana, la tarde y la noche traducen las etapas de la vida. El día o comienzo de la vida muestra al bebe gateando en cuatro pies o patas, la tarde o mitad de la vida es la adultez del ser humano caminando en dos pies y la noche o final de la vida muestra al anciano con un bastón o sea en tres pies. Había también otro acertijo: «Son dos hermanas, una de las cuales engendra a la otra y, a su vez, es engendrada por la primera». Edipo contestó: el día y la noche. Furiosa, la Esfinge se suicida lanzándose al vacío y Edipo es nombrado el salvador de Tebas. Como premio, Edipo es nombrado rey y se casa con la viuda de Layo, Yocasta, su verdadera madre. Tendrá con ella cuatro hijos: Polinices, Eteocles, Ismena y Antígona y los dos hermanos se enfrentarían más tarde entre ellos a muerte por el trono tebano.
Al poco, una terrible plaga cae sobre la ciudad (la peste), ya que el asesino de Layo no ha pagado por su crimen y contamina con su presencia a toda la ciudad.
Edipo emprende las averiguaciones para descubrir el culpable, y gracias a Tiresias descubre que en realidad es hijo de Yocasta y Layo y que es él mismo el asesino que anda buscando. Al saber Yocasta que Edipo era en realidad su hijo, se da muerte, colgándose en el palacio. Horrorizado, Edipo se quita los ojos con los broches del vestido de Yocasta en señal de la ceguera que siente por no haber visto la realidad antes y ordena a Creonte, que lo expulse de la ciudad. Sólo su hija y hermana Antígona le guía por donde tiene que caminar. La obra concluye con el coro, que advierte a los espectadores: "Que a nadie se le tenga por dichoso hasta que muera...".
Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta, king and queen of Thebes. After having been married some time without children, his parents consulted the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi about their childlessness. The Oracle prophesied that if Laius should have a son, the son would kill him and marry Jocasta. In an attempt to prevent this prophecy's fulfillment, when Jocasta indeed bore a son, Laius had his ankles pinned together so that he could not crawl, and gave the boy to a servant to abandon ("expose") on the nearby mountain. However, rather than leave the child to die of exposure, as Laius intended, the sympathetic servant passed the baby onto a shepherd from Corinth.
Oedipus the infant eventually comes to the house of Polybus, king of Corinth and his queen, Merope, who adopt him as they are without children of their own.
Little Oedipus/Oidipous is named after the swelling from the injuries to his feet and ankles. The word edema (American English) or oedema (British English) is from this same Greek word for swelling: οἴδημα, or oedēma.
Many years later, Oedipus is told by a drunk that Polybus is not his real father but when he asks his parents, they deny it. Oedipus seeks counsel from the same Delphic Oracle. The Oracle does not tell him the identity of his true parents but instead tells him that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. In his attempt to avoid the fate predicted by the Oracle, he decides to not return home to Corinth. Since it is near to Delphi, Oedipus decides to go to Thebes.
As Oedipus travels he comes to the place where three roads meet, Davlia. Here he encounters a chariot, driven by his (unrecognized) birth-father, King Laius. They fight over who has the right to go first and Oedipus kills Laius in self defense, unwittingly fulfilling part of the prophecy. The only witness of the king's death was a slave who fled from a caravan of slaves also travelling on the road.
Continuing his journey to Thebes, Oedipus encounters a Sphinx which would stop all those who traveled to Thebes and ask them a riddle. If the travelers were unable to answer correctly, they were eaten by the sphinx; if they were successful, they would be able to continue their journey. The riddle was: "What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?". Oedipus answers: "Man; as an infant, he crawls on all fours, as an adult, he walks on two legs and, in old age, he relies on a walking stick". Oedipus was the first to answer the riddle correctly. Having heard Oedipus' answer, the Sphinx is astounded and inexplicably kills itself, freeing Thebes. Grateful, the people of Thebes appoint Oedipus as their king and give him the recently widowed Queen Jocasta's hand in marriage. (The people of Thebes believed her husband had been killed while on a search for the answer to the Sphinx's riddle. They had no idea who the killer was.) The marriage of Oedipus and Jocasta fulfilled the rest of the prophecy. Oedipus and Jocasta have four children: two sons, Polynices and Eteocles (see Seven Against Thebes), and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene.
Many years after the marriage of Oedipus and Jocasta, a plague of infertility strikes the city of Thebes; crops no longer grow to harvest and women do not bear children. Oedipus, in his hubris, asserts that he will end the pestilence. He sends Creon, Jocasta's brother, to the Oracle at Delphi, seeking guidance. When Creon returns, Oedipus hears that the murderer of the former King Laius must be found and either be killed or exiled. In a search for the identity of the killer, Oedipus follows Creon's suggestion and sends for the blind prophet, Tiresias, who warns him not to try to find the killer. In a heated exchange, Tiresias is provoked into exposing Oedipus himself as the killer, and the fact that Oedipus is living in shame because he does not know who his true parents are. Oedipus blames Creon for Tiresias telling Oedipus that he was the killer. Oedipus and Creon begin a heated argument. Jocasta enters and tries to calm Oedipus. She tries to comfort him by telling him about her old husband and his supposed death. Oedipus becomes unnerved as he begins to think that he might have killed Laius and so brought about the plague. Suddenly, a messenger arrives from Corinth with the news that King Polybus has died and that the people of Corinth would have Oedipus as their king. Oedipus is relieved concerning the prophecy, for it could no longer be fulfilled if Polybus, whom he thinks is his father, is now dead.
Nonetheless, he is wary while his mother lives and does not wish to go. To ease the stress of the matter, the messenger then reveals that Oedipus was, in fact, adopted. Jocasta, finally realizing Oedipus' true identity, begs him to abandon his search for Laius' murderer. Oedipus misunderstands the motivation of her pleas, thinking that she was ashamed of him because he might have been the son of a slave. She then goes into the palace where she hangs herself. Oedipus seeks verification of the messenger's story from the very same herdsman who was supposed to have left Oedipus to die as a baby. From the herdsman, Oedipus learns that the infant raised as the adopted son of Polybus and Merope was the son of Laius and Jocasta. Thus, Oedipus finally realizes in great agony that so many years ago, at the place where three roads meet, he had killed his own father, King Laius, and as consequence, married his mother, Jocasta.
Oedipus goes in search of Jocasta and finds she has killed herself. Taking two pins from her dress, Oedipus gouges his eyes out. Oedipus asks Creon to look after his daughters, for his sons are old and mature enough to look after themselves, and to be allowed to touch them one last time before he is exiled. His daughter Antigone acts as his guide as he wanders blindly through the country, ultimately dying at Colonus after being placed under the protection of Athens by King Theseus.
His two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, arrange to share the kingdom, each taking an alternating one-year reign. However, Eteocles refuses to cede his throne after his year as king. Polynices brings in an army to oust Eteocles from his position, and a battle ensues. At the end of the battle, the brothers kill each other. Jocasta's brother, Creon, takes the throne. He decides that Polynices was a "traitor," and should not be given burial rites. Defying this edict, Antigone attempts to bury her brother and, for this trespass, Creon has her buried in a rock cavern where she hangs herself.
There are many different endings to the legend of Oedipus due to its oral tradition. Significant variations on the legend of Oedipus are mentioned in fragments by several ancient Greek poets includingHomer, Hesiod and Pindar. Most of what is known of Oedipus comes from the set of Theban plays by Sophocles: Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone.
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