"An idea is like a virus, is resistant and highly contagious. The smallest idea can grow, it can define you or destroy you ...."
An idea can change the world and rewrite the rules.
What is the most resistant parasites? "An idea. A single idea of the human mind can build cities. An idea can change the world and rewrite the rules. So I have to steal it. "
The virus
Ideas are the most dangerous virus that exists. Once an idea has been internalized and absorbed, it takes over your mind.
Transform your own reality and how you perceive the world. The ideas have killed more people than any drug or disease.
Columbus's idea that the earth was round changed the world, taking his way to millions of people, Europeans and Indians, because of war and disease that led to the New World.
"One idea of the human mind can build cities. An idea can change the world and rewrite all the rules "
The infection
Once an idea has caught on in a person it can be transmitted to others. In politics that is based on the idea that a politician can get a better world. A speech is a proper place to spread those ideas (often called propaganda). Ideas are born but, when transmitted and become strong enough, you can not kill them.
"What is the most resistant parasites? A bacteria? A virus? Any intestinal worm? No. An idea. Resistant and highly contagious. Once an idea gains strength in the brain, it is almost impossible to eradicate. One idea that is totally, totally understood, remains. "
Terrorism part of an idea, the idea that a person can get what they want through violence. The end justifies the means. The universe is divided into two: one that helps your friend, the rest are enemies. It is not a new idea, but the simplest idea is the most likely to get into your head.
We are told to remember the ideas, not men, because a man can end. Can stop, can kill, can be forgotten, but 400 years later, the ideas can still continue to change the world.
"I have seen with my own eyes the power of ideas. I've seen people kill them and die defending them ... "
V for Vendetta
An idea can put your health at risk: a musician who plays to leave their blood on the instrument, a scientist who plays with his health to complete experiments, a runner who wants to overcome human limitations, the artist who does not sleep dominated by his next creation.
Die, kill, suffer.
But success, hope, unthinkable progress. A whole new world of possibilities.
I have not been. It was an idea.
Author: Chris Stevens
Source: http://radiokbhr.com/es/filosofia/el-virus-mas-peligroso-sobre-la-tierra/
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