La hormona del crecimiento humano (hGH, human Growth Hormone) se produce en la hipófisis humana, estimula la síntesis de proteínas y como consecuencia favorece el desarrollo de los músculos y huesos. Por eso acelera el crecimiento de tejidos y órganos, en especial huesos, corazón e hígado.
Aunque el crecimiento finaliza en la adolescencia, esta hormona se secreta durante toda la vida, pues es necesaria para la formación de nuevos materiales que reemplacen a las estructuras desgastadas. Además es indispensable por su importante acción sobre el metabolismo, favoreciendo la utilización de los depósitos grasos como fuente de energía.
La cantidad de la hormona humana del crecimiento en un adulto sano se reduce cerca de 14% por década después de los 30 años . En Muchos casos esta se ha agotado totalmente a los 70 años. La Asociación americana de Endocrinología, sugiere que la deficiencia de la HGH sea un acontecimiento relativo a la edad, caracterizado por una serie de síntomas fácilmente reconocidos:
- Fatiga
- Disminución de la masa muscular del cuerpo
- Disminución de la fuerza
- Disminución en la capacidad y el desempeño físico
- Ansiedad
- Perdida de sueño
- Reducción del ritmo cardiaco
- Falta de energía
- Desguances
- Resfriados.
Aumento de peso / Obesidad
¿Usted sufre de cualquiera de estos síntomas?
Entonces las posibilidades son altas de que su cuerpo este luchando para mantenerse apto y con energía. Usted es un candidato ideal para el uso de Biomed CSE hGH fórmula.El HGH es el último producto anti-envejecimiento ya que regenera la piel, el cabello, músculos huesos corazón, cabello, pulmones, hígado y riñones ubicandolos a sus niveles de juventud anterior, previniendo de esta manera enfermedades como la osteoporosis, ataques al corazón, y detiene la vejez dandole un retorno a la juventud.
Otros Beneficios probados clinicamente
- Ayuda a disminuir las arrugas
- Ayuda a perder peso
- Recupera el color del cabello y ayuda a su crecimiento
- Mejora la textura y elasticidad de la piel
- Aumenta la energía
- Ayuda a tener apetito sexual
- Disminuye el colesterol
- Regenera el corazón el hígado los riñones y los pulmones
- Disminuye la presión sanguínea
- Restaura la masa muscular y ósea
Does it slow aging?
Human growth hormone is described by some as the key to slowing the aging process. Before you sign up, get the facts — and understand proven ways to promote healthy aging.
Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland — a pea-sized structure at the base of the brain — to fuel childhood growth and help maintain tissues and organs throughout life. Beginning in middle age, however, the pituitary gland slowly reduces the amount of growth hormone it produces. This natural slowdown has prompted an interest in the use of synthetic human growth hormone (HGH) to stave off the realities of old age. However, there's little evidence to suggest human growth hormone can help otherwise healthy adults regain youth and vitality.
Who needs to take human growth hormone?
Synthetic human growth hormone, which must be injected, is available only by prescription. It's approved to treat adults who have true growth hormone deficiency — not the expected decline in growth hormone due to aging.
Studies of adults who have a growth hormone deficiency show that injections of human growth hormone can:
- Increase bone density
- Increase muscle mass
- Decrease body fat
- Increase exercise capacity
Human growth hormone is also approved to treat AIDS- or HIV-related muscle wasting.
What can human growth hormone do for otherwise healthy adults?
Studies of healthy adults taking human growth hormone are limited. Although it appears that human growth hormone injections can increase muscle mass and reduce the amount of body fat in healthy older adults, the increase in muscle doesn't translate into increased strength. In fact, researchers have found that strength training is a cheaper, more effective way to increase muscle mass and strength.
It isn't clear if human growth hormone may provide other benefits to healthy adults.
Human growth hormone may cause a number of side effects for healthy adults, including:
- Swelling in the arms and legs
- Joint pain
- Muscle pain
- For men, enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia)
Human growth hormone may also contribute to conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Some research suggests that side effects of human growth hormone treatments may be more likely in older adults than in younger adults. Because the studies of healthy adults taking human growth hormone have been short term, it isn't clear whether the side effects could eventually dissipate or become worse.
Cost is likely a concern, too. Human growth hormone injections can cost thousands of dollars.
Does human growth hormone come in pill form?
Some Web sites claim to sell a pill form of human growth hormone that produces results similar to the injected form of the drug. Sometimes these are called human growth hormone releasers. There's no proof that these claims are true, however. Likewise, there's no proof that homeopathic remedies claiming to contain human growth hormone work, either.
What's the bottom line?
If you have specific concerns about aging, ask your doctor about proven ways to improve your health. Remember, healthy lifestyle choices — such as eating nutritious foods, controlling portion sizes and including physical activity in your daily routine — can help you stay healthy and strong as you get older.