
Introduction To The Fourth Way - Introducción al Cuarto Camino De Kevin Roberts I have long thought to write a short commentary answering the question so often asked of me, "What is the Fourth Way?" While the subject in general requires much study to begin to understand, I now am ready to lay out the aims, or goals, the practical process, with landmarks along the way, and a short glossary of the exact language used for the precise interaction necessary for progress toward the mentioned aim. Before starting with the first of these, I will of necessity need to touch on the last and give some direction. The words of this exact language I will signify by using 'quotes' to assist in alerting you to their importance. This will indicate for you that a certain 'something' is meant by these words that is different from the way you ordinarily understand them. By using the context to ponder this new meaning you will begin to 'think in a new way.' The aim of the teaching of G.I. Gurdjieff, referred to as the fourth way or the work, is to build a 'soul,' that is, something in us that by itself can withstand the 'shock' of physical death and continue to exist for a definite period. Much preparation is necessary to meet this aim; many of ordinary life's distractions must be re-valued in light of this teaching. The fourth way, or way of the 'sly man,' includes practical elements of the three fundamental ways and therefore it is necessary to briefly touch upon them. The first way, that of the fakir, achieves enlightenment through mastery of sensation by various means of asceticism: lying on a bed of nails, standing on fingertips for months at a time, etc. This requires some fifty years of practice and is uncertain at best. The way of the monk, or religion, requires emotional suffering, and while it does not take as long as the fakir still demands about 25 years. The way of the yogi opens to enlightenment in 10 years or so through mastery of postures, or movement. Some people think yogis are intellectual; this is merely 'postures of thinking' which points to the inter-relatedness of the bodymind. Finally, the fourth way, or fourth philosophy as Jesus described it in the Dead Sea Scrolls, uses in a sly way the necessary parts of the other three. Instead of gaining full mastery of any one function, it uses the most minimal mastering of each 'center:' the instinctive, moving, and emotional. Having thus gained control over these 'parts' one is then ready to 'prepare the way,' that is, move toward an overall mastery of the bodymind by the purging of unnecessary elements. The fourth way, or 'work,' unlike the first three which demand isolation, must be carried out in the midst of 'ordinary' life and, properly manifested, can be fulfilled in two years. The progression of the fourth way (the 'way' is always and everywhere the same, only the method of approach differs) is defined by the level,...

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